HomeTechHow to Get Jacked Up About Home Automation: See It in Action

How to Get Jacked Up About Home Automation: See It in Action

It is pretty evident to anyone who follows technology that home automation is here to stay. It used to be something for hobbyists only. But as smart technology has improved, the home automation concept has become mainstream. Our homes are becoming smarter with every new piece of tech that manufacturers introduce.

Do you find a difficult to be enthusiastic about home automation? If so, you are not alone. Legitimate concerns over privacy and security definitely put a damper on things. But there is a way to change your perspective. There is a way to get jacked up about home automation: go see it in action.

Seeing Is Believing

I have been writing about home automation and home security for over a decade. For many years, most of what I knew about home automation was the product of relentless research and reading. I had plenty of ‘book knowledge’, but it wasn’t until I actually experienced home automation first-hand that I really got excited about the possibilities.

I remember my first experience vividly. My wife and I were visiting friends whose home was equipped with smart lights, smart plugs, a smart thermostat, and a popular smart speaker from one of the most recognized brands. Everything I experienced that evening was familiar to me in concept. But seeing it actually work in-person completely changed my perspective.

They say seeing is believing. That certainly rings true in the whole automation arena. In a few short hours, I witnessed everything I had been writing about for years. I left my friend’s house at the end of the evening all jacked up and ready to begin building my own smart home system.

Speak to Me

The first thing I encountered that evening was voice control. My wife and I were hanging out at the island while our friends were cooking dinner. There was music playing in the background. At some point, the lady of the house realized the music was too loud. She uttered a simple command to reduce the volume and it was done.

This is pretty standard fare, according to Vivint Smart Home. They say smart speakers are a common entry point for smart home beginners. But back to my story.

A little while later, the wife asked if we were comfortable. We were fine but she was feeling a little warm. So again, all she had to do was speak. A simple command initiated the AC and dropped the temperature by a couple of degrees.

Programming and Voice Control

I made a point of talking smart home design with the husband. I wanted to know exactly how he set up and programmed his system. We spent a lot of time discussing smart lighting.

It turns out that he and his wife get up at different times in the morning. She is an early riser, so he programmed the kitchen and dining room lights to turn on a few minutes before she gets out of bed. They automatically turn off when she leaves for work.

As for voice control, every light in their home can be controlled with speech. Simple commands can turn lights on and off. Those with dimmer capabilities can be adjusted. Likewise for LED lights that can change color.

I could go on and on, but you get the point. On that particular evening, I was treated to a technological feast for the senses. I learned first-hand about things I had only previously written about. I went home that evening truly jacked up. It is amazing how seeing home automation in action changed my perspective so drastically.

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