HomeBusinessImportance of Disability Employment Services

Importance of Disability Employment Services


As a person with a disability, you understand better than most how important it is to be able to work. Work means independence and gives you the ability to support yourself. So, if you have a disability, Disability Employment Services (DES) can help make things easier for you. It will assist job seekers with disabilities in finding employment that fits their skill set, goals and interests. 

Employment services help people with disabilities get jobs.

A disability employment service is a federal government-run program that helps people with disabilities find jobs. The services are free and can also help with training for the job you want. The benefits of having a DES are many:

  • You get access to all kinds of information about how to get a job and what type of work you should be looking for;
  • You learn how to prepare yourself for interviews and other parts of the hiring process;
  • You learn how to use tools like email so that employers will consider you as an equally capable employee as anyone else;
  • If you have trouble getting around or taking care of yourself, they can advise on the skills needed to do those things better.

Assessing if a person needs disability employment services.

To assess whether a person needs DES, they may be assessed by either:

  • A health professional such as a doctor or psychologist.
  • An employment services provider.
  • A person with disabilities who has experience in the workforce and knows what is required to do a job well.

Continuing to improve participation in employment by people with disabilities.

The Australian Government knows that people with disabilities have the right to a fulfilling and independent life. The Disability Employment Services continue improving participation rates by providing support for employers, job seekers and families who work together to achieve meaningful outcomes for people with a disability.

Australia has experienced unprecedented growth in employment for people with disabilities. The DES continue to improve access to quality jobs for disadvantaged citizens, especially those who find it challenging to participate in mainstream training or education systems due to their impairment or medical condition.

People with disabilities should not be discriminated.

As a person with a disability, you are entitled to the same opportunities and services as any other person. It is against the law for employers to discriminate against you because of your disability. If a business has 15 or more employees, it must have an equal opportunity policy that is available for all people who work or want to work with them. 

This means that the employer cannot treat you differently because of your disability; they must give you the same chance as everyone else to apply for jobs, be promoted and get awards in competitions.

The employer also has responsibilities when it comes to working conditions; these include providing support if needed for example, help at interviews or making sure there are accessible toilets, reasonable adjustments such as providing equipment if necessary and allowing flexibility so that people can attend courses required by their job such as driving lessons.


It is important to remember that employment services are available for people with disabilities and they can help them get jobs. It is also important that people who have not worked before or those who want to change careers should be able to access these services as well. The service aims at improving the lives of people with disabilities by providing them with equal opportunity when it comes down employment opportunities as well as other areas such as education and training programs.

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